Do you have low self esteem? If so, then you probably keep putting off going out in public. You find yourself avoiding situations that cause you to evaluate your own self worth and self image. You may even be depressed because of your lack of self esteem. If you have been seeking treatment for your depression and anxiety, then it is important to know what to expect when you first see a psychologist or psychiatrist.
When patients first see a psychiatrist, they often report feeling very anxious. The reason for this is that no self esteem treatment works without the patient having a certain amount of anxiousness and fear. Both anxiety and depression are caused by negative thoughts. The patient must confront these negative thoughts head on.
There are several ways a patient can accomplish this task. The patient can practice confronting his negative self talk by repeatedly talking out loud a specific phrase such as “I don’t think I’m good enough,” and “I don’t feel like I’m good enough.” This will help the patient recognize the source of his negative feelings. A therapist may also ask the patient to focus on something in his environment that reminds him of something he likes. Doing so will allow the patient to become focused on something other than his self talk.
In addition to confronting his negative thoughts, the patient must also replace them with positive thoughts. This may take some practice but it is important to realize that positive thoughts are ultimately more powerful than negative ones. The patient should tell himself that he is loved, appreciated, and will be taken care of no matter what. He should visualize his future self doing all that he desires. It is important for the patient to realize that he will not possess all the answers, but he will have complete control over his future.
During the first session of treatment, the therapist will ask the patient questions that relate to how low his self-esteem is. The therapist will listen intently to the answers. Then he will ask similar questions to those asked of him during the second session. Sometimes it is necessary to reword the statements the therapist asks. This is because some of the words used could be triggering negative emotions.
After the first session, the therapist will review the first session. If there was any progress with the patient, he will make sure to note it. The patient must recognize that his self esteem has lowered and that he needs help to increase it. After he has made the progress noted, the therapist may consider teaching him new ways of thinking. Some patients have found that being taught to do something they were previously unwilling to do helps them to overcome their problem. The patient must be willing to try whatever is being suggested.
Developing self esteem does not happen overnight. It requires consistent support and help. The patient must believe in his ability to change. It takes time to build up self-confidence. Also self-esteem will not improve just by having someone tell him or her that he or she is good or wonderful. Self esteem will only improve when the patient tells himself and others that he or she is a good person.
A therapist can help improve self-esteem by offering suggestions and helping the patient to make a plan of action. Self-esteem is more than having a low self-image. Self-esteem is the foundation for success. With a good self image and good self esteem a person has the potential to achieve much.